Effective methods for the diagnosis and treatment of osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis or chondrosis is a disease that reduces the elasticity of the cartilage tissue in the joints. The disease can manifest in any joint and, depending on the location, has its own classification. The progression of the disease leads to impaired motor function of the joint, often complete immobility occurs.

The symptoms of osteochondrosis, its causes and methods of treating the disease are discussed in the information provided.

How osteochondrosis manifests itself

The signs of osteochondrosis appear gradually, at first with a mild pain syndrome, which then becomes chronic and intense. Usually, patients go to the doctor with complaints of severe pain and inability to perform certain movements.

For osteochondrosis treatment to be as successful as possible, the disease must be diagnosed early.

The following signs may indicate the development of osteochondrosis:

causes of osteochondrosis
  • Pain when moving;
  • Cracking of joints;
  • Rigidity of movement;
  • Muscle spasm;
  • Headache, increased blood pressure and dizziness (with cervical osteochondrosis);
  • Pain in the chest and between the shoulder blades (thoracic osteochondrosis);
  • Pain in the hip and buttocks (lumbosacral osteochondrosis and hip joint);
  • Numbness of the limbs;
  • Bone pain;
  • Increases sensitivity to climate;
  • Decreased visual acuity.

Normally, the first manifestations of the disease go unnoticed. That is why the initial stage of osteochondrosis is rarely diagnosed and, as a rule, entirely by accident.

Causes of osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis does not occur spontaneously. Degenerative processes of the joint lead to its development, namely: disturbance of normal blood circulation and mineral metabolism, formation of ossified formations - osteophytes. All of this leads to a decrease in joint mobility, changes in its structure and the appearance of uncomfortable sensations during movement and walking.

The main reasons for the appearance are:

  1. Lack of constant physical activity;
  2. Injuries and injuries to the joint;
  3. Deformation of the joint under excessive stress;
  4. Disorders of nutrition and blood supply to the joint;
  5. Overweight problems;
  6. Unbalanced diet;
  7. Chronic stress;
  8. Hereditary predisposition;
  9. Endocrine pathologies;
  10. Age-related changes;
  11. Unfavorable working conditions (prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, hypothermia, weight lifting).

The chances of developing the disease increase in patients with flat feet, congenital or acquired pathologies of the development of the foot. With such illnesses, the load during walking is distributed incorrectly, which leads to a change in normal gait and, as a result, deformation of the spine, knee and hip joints.

The occurrence of osteochondrosis of the spine directly depends on diseases already diagnosed in the musculoskeletal system, for example, scoliosis.

In addition, chronic diseases of internal organs can also act as a provoking factor. Infections and inflammations can affect nearby tissues, which leads to the formation of pathologies in the joints.

Classification of osteochondrosis

classification of spinal osteochondrosis

In medical terminology, the definition of "spinal chondrosis" is often found. This means the initial stage of osteochondrosis, affecting one of the departments (or several) of the spine. The pathology develops in the intervertebral disc and does not affect nearby tissues. This is the special insidiousness of chondrosis of the back, because the asymptomatic onset does not give the chance to start treatment in time and overcome the disease.

Usually, chondrosis, whose symptoms have not yet appeared, is discovered by chance during a complete examination of the body.

In addition, depending on the location of the pathology, we can also speak of coxarthrosis - osteochondrosis of the hip joint. The pathology can also affect the shoulder or the accumulated joint. Osteochondrosis of the dorsum, in turn, is also classified according to the location of its location.

What are the types of dorsal osteochondrosis:

  • Cervical osteochondrosisis ​​manifested by pain and stiffness in the neck, neck and between the shoulder blades. It is often considered an occupational disease for accountants, computer programmers and other occupations that involve sitting for a long time.
  • Thoracic osteochondrosisis ​​quite rare. Due to the relative immobility of this area, symptoms are often confused with angina pectoris or intercostal neuralgia. In addition, the manifestations of thoracic osteochondrosis can resemble an attack of pancreatitis or gastritis.
  • Lumbar or lumbosacral osteochondrosisis ​​the most common type of disease. This is due to increased stress in this department, even during normal movements. With increased load, weightlifting, playing sports, the pressure on the lumbar spine vertebrae often increases, which can trigger the development of the disease. The manifestations of lumbar osteochondrosis are extremely diverse. The main symptoms include not only pain when bending, turning and other movements, but also muscle atrophy, difficulty walking, decreased sexual function and diseases of the urinary system.
  • Coccyx osteochondrosisis ​​a rare disease that mainly affects women. This is directly related to the physiological characteristics of the structure of the small pelvis. It is determined by the pain syndrome when sitting, walking and exercising. The onset is usually preceded by injuries and falls, in addition to prolonged sitting in an uncomfortable position.
  • symptoms of osteochondrosis of the spine
  • Polysegmental osteochondrosisis ​​diagnosed when degenerative lesions of nearby joints are detected. They can be located in one or more parts of the spine.
  • Common osteochondrosisis ​​manifested by lesions in two or more parts of the spine. It is a difficult disease to treat, with little chance of full recovery.
  • Diffuse osteochondrosisis ​​diagnosed if the pathology spreads to all segments of the spine.

A progressive disease is characterized not only by pain and discomfort during movement. Inflammation of the connective tissue of the joint develops, the intervertebral roots are compressed and bone tissue growth - osteophytes - begins to form in the vertebrae.

Stages of development of osteochondrosis

To determine the cure tactics for osteochondrosis, it is necessary not only to diagnose accurately, but also to determine the degree of involvement of the articular elements in the pathological process. For this, it is customary to use a classification by degrees, as well as a location of the pathology.

What are the types of osteochondrosis:

  1. The initial stagedoes not manifest itself as a pain syndrome and does not require specific treatment. According to statistics, the first degree of osteochondrosis is present in more than 80% of the population over 50 years. Recently, due to the spread of professions that require permanent sitting, as well as a decrease in physical activity in children and adolescents, osteochondrosis is diagnosed in almost all people under 30 years of age.
  2. The second stageof osteochondrosis is diagnosed by X-ray examination. The image shows the formation of multiple fractures of the intervertebral disc, but the fibrous ring remains intact. The manifestations of the disease are insignificant, there is usually discomfort with prolonged sitting or standing, after a brief rest the pain disappears on its own. The second diagnosed stage of osteochondrosis can be treated with great success with conservative methods.
  3. developmental stages of osteochondrosis
  4. The third stageof osteochondrosis is characterized by numerous lesions of the intervertebral disc, as well as a possible rupture of the fibrous ring. The pains become prolonged and constant, they may even appear at rest. The treatment of osteochondrosis in the third stage is performed by conservative and surgical methods, the prognosis depends on the severity of the pathology and the timely treatment with medical help.
  5. The fourth stageof osteochondrosis is the most serious. It is determined by serious damage to the joint structure. Ligaments, vessels, nerve endings and connective tissue of the joint are involved in the pathological process. Conservative methods are generally ineffective. Surgery is used more often, but even surgery does not guarantee recovery, patients often lose joint mobility and remain disabled.

To avoid the transition from osteochondrosis to the critical stage, it is necessary to be aware of the signals that the body gives us. There are cases in which the patient endures years of pain and discomfort, in addition to adapting to the limitation of motor function, does not seek help from the doctor.

It should be noted that osteochondrosis is not a disease that can be cured on its own, at home, using traditional methods or just pain relievers.

A comprehensive mandatory approach is required, which is determined by the characteristics of the development of the pathology, the reasons for its occurrence, as well as the individual indicators of the patient.

Diagnosis of osteochondrosis

To ensure the correct tactics for the treatment of osteochondrosis, special studies are required. They will help to identify the location and the causes that led to this disease. Only after eliminating all the negative factors that affect the progression of the disease, can you start the main treatment.

How the degree and location of the pathological process are determined:

diagnostic options for osteochondrosis
  • X-ray examination.For reliable information, it is necessary to take pictures in multiple projections. The location and degree of joint damage, the presence of osteophytes and the condition of the bone channels are determined.
  • Doppler ultrasound.Check for blood supply, vascular integrity and blood flow velocity disturbances.
  • Myelography.Special examination of the column using a contrast agent. It allows to identify intervertebral hernias and their location.
  • Computed tomography.The condition of the intervertebral discs, possible deviations in structure and deformation, clamping of nerve roots and changes in the structure of individual vertebrae are checked.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.Usually provides a more detailed examination of the structure of the joints. It is attributed, as a rule, when the information content of other exams performed is low. An indisputable advantage is a more detailed study of the condition of the soft tissues.

The patient's anamnesis is also studied without fail. Possible injuries sustained even long before going to the doctor, operations and chronic illnesses can also cause the development of pathological processes in the joint tissues.

In addition, a personal examination and interrogation of the patient is carried out. Based on the information received, the diagnosis and the degree of joint damage are determined.

How to treat osteochondrosis

After the diagnosis and identification of the causes of osteochondrosis, the specialist outlines an individual treatment plan. The patient's physical indicators, the peculiarities of the development of the pathology and its location must be taken into account.

methods of treating spinal osteochondrosis

An integrated approach is used for treatment.

Medicines alone cannot be dispensed, as it is necessary to simultaneously develop joint mobility, eliminate a possible inflammatory process in the surrounding tissues and also neutralize the negative factor that led to the development of the disease.

Therefore, it is better to entrust the treatment of chondrosis to a specialist who will select an individual set of exercises and also take into account the dynamics of the therapy.

Drug therapy for osteochondrosis

The prescription of medications depends on the type of injury and the associated pathological processes in the tissues. As a rule, patients try to treat osteochondrosis on their own, with ointments and pharmaceuticals and self-made compresses, in addition to folk remedies.

Unfortunately, this brings only temporary relief and does not contribute to the complete elimination of disease. To effectively treat osteochondrosis, the following groups of drugs are used.

Drug therapy includes:

  1. Local and systemic anesthetics.They include ointments and compresses, as well as pills and injections for severe pain syndrome. Used to treat osteochondrosis during an exacerbation.
  2. NSAIDs- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used not only to relieve pain and inflammation in the affected area, but also when the temperature is caused by the disease.
  3. The action of muscle relaxantsaims to relieve muscle tone. The drugs in this group are taken in courses of 30-45 days, and the dosage is prescribed strictly individually. Usually, they start taking them with minimal doses (with severe hypertonia, injections are prescribed), which are gradually increased. In order not to cause withdrawal syndrome, the dosage is subsequently reduced gradually.
  4. Chondroprotectorshelp restore cartilage tissue, compensating for damaged areas. The effect of this group of drugs does not appear immediately, so a course of several months is prescribed. There are several forms of medication. During an exacerbation, it is used in the form of injections and treatment continues with pills or capsules.
  5. Angioprotectorsare used in the case of identified blood irrigation pathologies. They help strengthen blood vessel walls, promote relaxation and restore metabolism. The duration of admission is also several months.
  6. treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine with medications
  7. Glucocorticosteroidsare prescribed to increase the function of NSAIDs and muscle relaxants. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and decongestant effect, helping to combat pain and spasm. The course of treatment is determined individually. In the first days of an exacerbation of the disease, they are used in the form of an injection and then in the form of a pill. The dosage is gradually reduced until the medication is completely discontinued.
  8. Biogenic stimulants.They speed up metabolism and promote the restoration of joint tissues. Self-treatment of chondrosis at home with these drugs is impossible, but in complex therapy they have proven their effectiveness.
  9. Complex vitamin preparations.Promote the general strengthening of the body and accelerate metabolic reactions.

Is osteochondrosis treated only with medication? Of course not. To get rid of the disease completely, it is necessary to perform other medical procedures. Special attention should be paid to a special set of exercises. It is developed for each section of the spine or joints of the limbs.

Important point:classes are held under the supervision of a specialist and only after removing the inflammation in the affected area.

Corrective Gymnastics

What to do in case of osteochondrosis and which movements it is better to refuse, a special trainer with the appropriate qualifications will tell you. In the beginning, the exercises are performed under his control, then the patient can continue the exercises on his own.

The treatment of osteochondrosis at home involves regular exercise to restore joint mobility.

Massage and physiotherapy

Various methods of alternative medicine are also used in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine. This includes mud wraps, acupuncture, magnetotherapy, manual therapy.

spinal osteochondrosis massage (1)

Among medical procedures, electrophoresis with drugs, laser therapy, thermotherapy are also widely used. An important point is the health treatment in specialized sanatoriums.

What is osteochondrosis? More and more patients learn about this disease at a young age. A sedentary lifestyle, decreased muscle tone and uneven loads on the joints - these negative weight factors lead to the development of degenerative processes in the structure of the cartilaginous tissue.

A decrease in its elasticity, as well as a violation of its integrity, is manifested by constant or periodic pain, stiffness and even malfunction of internal systems.